Saturday, January 1, 2022

2022 Costuming Goals

 Well New Years Day always makes me go into planning mode.  So here goes.

1.  1921 Seaside Dress in black worsted and lace.  This one is almost complete so it will definitely get done.  I'm making View C.

2. 1920 coat in black melton with faux fur trim and vintage passamenterie buttons.

3. Spotted wool Italian gown and pink worsted petticoat.  This was from my 2020 goals.  Started but not completed.

4.  Black silk sacque and winged cap to complete Mrs. Coffin's mourning outfit

5.  Shot silk sacque and cap to complete Mrs. Izard's outfit

6. 1790s round gown similar to this image using the lawn from Virgil's Fine Goods

7.  1920s Robe de Style based on this extant in the Maryland Center for History and Culture.
Silk satin and velvet with hand applied beads.

The following have not photos:
8.  1903 Truly Victorian Edwardian Corset.
White with pink rosebud French coutil.

9.  RedThreaded long Regency stays

10. - ? .  I have a variety of 20th century vintage that I want to do but haven't planned the specifics for.   The best part of this is that I have all the stuff in my stash!

Since I'm halfway through #1 and prepping the pattern for #2, it'll be nice to complete something at the beginning of the year! I also expect that I will complete things not included here as my needs dictate and not complete all of these but it's good to start the year with a plan.

Here's to a productive 2022!  Who knows what surprises it will bring!

1 comment:

  1. I so look forward to seeing your projects this coming year, everything you make is inspiring to me!
